Choose from tuned 10 HD channels lasting 3 hours each. Change channels at any time during the subscription period.
We provide broadcast equipment (on request).
Create your own custom HD channel, 20 GB for your photos and videos, control via your personal account, video branding with your logo, unlimited traffic.
Fill your channel with 2500+ videos on any topic: Food & Drink, Travel, Extreme, Power, Enjoy, Luxury, Seasons and Fashion.
Download files of any format and size from any computer. All you need to do is set the file frequency; the rest is automated.
Publish posts from your In / Vk / Fb / Tw social network accounts on your online channel
Manage your channel with WhatsApp's personal assistant.
Use the branded portal to select a channel directly from your TV remote control.
Automate info uploading on your TV from your website, file server or third-party resources (weather, traffic jams, exchange rates)