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You will reach people in public places
We guarantee you a month on-the-air
You video clip can't be switched off
Why choose working with us if you have YouTube?
Customers of restaurants, fitness clubs, hotels, barbershop and beauty salons.
Viewers will not be able to switch channel or select another clip
No doudts, your video will be shown 120 times during a month
We have more than 2 mln viewers per month who are interested to watch your video
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a clip. How much does it cost to place it on your TV?
You do not pay for placing a clip in our channels. Every month we select 60 clips to add to the channel and your clip might be one of them. The placement of your clip can be transferred to the next month, if the broadcasting grid has already been formed.
Where is the guarantee that my clip will be shown?
We place clips only in our TV channels, and if your clip is included in the broadcasting schedule, then it will be guaranteed to be shown in those places where our music channels are broadcasted.
Where can I see my clip?
The broadcast is available on our website and in venues, which have TV screens and use our service.(malls, hotels, restaurants, bars, beauty salons and barbershops)
How many people will see my clip?
We count the number of visitors of public places using analytics from Wi-Fi routers. Next step we plan to include such data in your personal account. In general, one venue is visited approximately by 1000 people per month and our TV channels are transmitted to 160 places, so in total about 2 million people / month can see your music video.
What are the technical requirements? Requirements for the genre?
Technical requirements: HD or FULL HD resolution. Depend less of the format, we convert you video by ourselves. There are no repertoire requirements also.
I have a music label. Is it possible to create a separate channel on the platform?
Sure, let's connect to discuss further.
How is my consent to showing the video on TV legally registered?
When you upload a clip to our system, you give us permission to broadcast it publicly in public places. However, we do not have the right to edit the content or change your content.
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